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Weight loss goals in 2012

1. Be Specific. Reflect on 2011. Identify triggers, situations, and habits that were not healthy. Take time to think about what you’d like to accomplish in the new year with your weight loss.
     • Do you think there may be medical problem?
     • Do you eat when you are stressed out?
     • Do you eat when you are bored?
It isn’t always about willpower. Medical problems can make losing weight difficult. If there is a medical problem, we can help.
2. Help Others as You Help Yourself. Clean out your pantry and donate your non-perishables to a local food bank, homeless shelter or church. This will lift your spirits, feed others, and rid your home of a few temptations.
After you’ve lost weight, you can donate your clothes too!
3. Make a Step-by-Step Plan. Using Metabolic to help you is a perfect place to start.
Step 1) Identify any medical issues that might be getting in the way of your health and treat them.
Step 2) Follow your customized weight loss program.
Step 3) Utilize your med tech, physician and our web site to give you insight and encouragement whenever you want it!
Step 4) Enjoy the results- weight loss, reduced medication costs, more energy, improved quality of life.
4. Keep a Journal. It’s meaningful to see your thoughts in black and white. Record your ideas, potential questions to ask on your next visit, message board topics you find interesting, or just some encouraging words to yourself.
5. Buddy Up. Everything is easier with friends. Make your appointments with friends, family, coworkers and you’ll be amazed at how well you both progress. Use facebook page for some cyber-cheer leading.
6. Lighten Up. It’s tempting to criticize yourself if you slip up. If you do stumble, just look at what happened and what you could have done differently… then start again renewed and refreshed.
7. Reward Yourself, Creatively. Your success is exciting no matter how big or small. Reward yourself with new clothing, a massage from the spa, or that novel you’ve wanted to read and the time to read it.
8.Avoid Negativity. Surround yourself with as many positive people, situations, and words as you can.
9. Re-Think “Diet”. It’s not just a “diet”. You are learning to change your life in order to be more active, live longer, and improve your quality of life.
10. Be Patient. Learning a new way to cook, eat and think about food takes time, but you can do it. Ask questions,seek advice and soon you’ll be offering your own expertise.
11. Post It. Post encouraging and motivating words in places only you can see them, i.e. your computer monitor, dashboard, mirror. Be creative.

Metabolic Medical Center

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