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Updates in Cholesterol - Production vs Consumption

Cholesterol. Cholesterol is one of those health concerns that we know about but often in a very general way. Or you think you know about it, but you're hazy on the details.

To review, cholesterol is an organic molecule manufactured by the liver to create hormones, synthesize Vitamin D, produce bile acids, and maintain the flexibility and structure of healthy cell membranes. As cholesterol cannot dissolve into the bloodstream, it travels throughout the body lipoproteins within the bloodstream:

Cholesterol or lipid panels measure levels total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides (another insoluble fat that stores unused calories for future energy consumption).
Cholesterol has long been used as a primary indicator of cardiovascular health and coronary heart disease: your levels were indicative of your overall heart health.

In addition to the cholesterol that produced by the body, cholesterol can also be consumed from a variety of foods in the form of saturated fats, vegetable oils, and polyunsaturated fats, which are listed on food labels as per the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) regulations.
While eating foods high in fats and cholesterol are still cause for concern, the greater hazard to your health may be eating too many servings of it. Recent studies indicate that only about 20% of the cholesterol levels are affected by diet.

Genetic factors may have a greater impact on cholesterol production and movement. This has led to a greater discussion of the role in medications, particularly statins, in managing cholesterol levels.

Doctors and nutritionists have expressed concerns regarding the challenges of normal cholesterol levels versus healthy cholesterol levels including the size of the cholesterol particles within the bloodstream, cholesterol and cardiac mortality, and other underlying health concerns (diabetes, inflammation, hypertension, etc.) that may or may not have been previously diagnosed because of the focus on cholesterol levels.

Due to these complex overlapping factors, there has been a shift to encourage changes in lifestyle, including diet and exercise for cholesterol management as well as overall general health, before considering medication.
Contact the experts at your local Metabolic Medical Center to start managing your cholesterol by making changes to your lifestyle with a personal weight management program.

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