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Crazy for Cauliflower

Maybe you’ve joined the Paleo-diet craze. Or you’ve jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon, voluntarily or involuntarily. Now you are looking for a starch or grain substitute. 

Whispers about cauliflower keep reaching your ears.
Now, potatoes, in its multiple varieties, aren’t inherently bad for you. Nor are other grains such as rice, or any flour-related products like bread and pasta. These foods all provide different amounts of calories, vitamins, minerals, and sugars, details of which can be found at the USDA Food Composition Database .  

But we have been encouraged to consume large quantities of these foods. Potatoes, in particular, seem to be a major staple side dish of nearly every eating establishment in some form or another.

Enter the amazing cruciferous vegetable: the cauliflower. 

Like potatoes, rice, and other grains, there are different varieties of cauliflower which also have differing percentages of calories, vitamins, minerals, and sugars.
However, one advantage cauliflower has over other starches and grains is a significantly lower number of calories per serving. For anyone working towards weight loss, cauliflower is a welcome substitute.

Cauliflower has made some bold inroads into the culinary work.
Steak it! Roast it! Fry it! Mash it! Rice it! Puree it! Bake it! 
Even food production companies have recognized the value of cauliflower and have begun producing cauliflower as a flour substitute to be used in making.. well, in making anything that you would use regular flour: tortillas, pizza crust, quiche crust, couscous.

Visit the MMC Girls on Facebook for some great cauliflower recipes.

Consult the experts at your local Metabolic Medical Center to discuss how to incorporate cauliflower as a starch substitute to meet your daily nutritional needs.

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