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Create Your Home Spa

There are few things in life more indulgent than a relaxing spa day. A few hours of peace and quiet, healthy food and little light exercise goes a long way. De-stressing your body not only helps clear your mind but it also helps clear your body.

You lose more weight the less stressed you feel.

Here are 9 ways to use common, everyday food items for a head to toe de-stress.

Fresh Air-
Take a page from the spa resort's book, they always recommend starting each day with fresh air. Take an easy walk followed by deep stretching. This gets the blood following and lowers blood pressure, naturally.

Green Tea-
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and helps to cleanse the kidneys, liver, bladder and urinary tract. Brew a pot and sip it hot or cold throughout your spa day.

Good Hair-
Dry winter weather can really take a toll on our hair. If you have any full fat mayonnaise in your fridge or pantry use it in your hair. Full fat, regular mayonnaise makes a fantastic deep moisturizer. Message one 1 cup into dry hair, cover with plastic, and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it out.
You can also make an all purpose moisturizer (hair, face, eyes, body, feet) using coconut oil and vitamin E (see recipe below).

Eat Clean-
Keep your meals light and cool. Lots of raw vegetables, herbs and some seafood is perfect for your spa day.

Set Your Space-
Create a quiet atmosphere with soft lighting or soft natural lighting, scented candles, relaxing music or complete silence. Use this time for inspirational reading, bible study, prayer, or meditation.

Re-Fresh Your Face-
Reinvigorate your skin with an herbal facial steam. Toss some lemon slices, mint or rosemary into a pot of boiling water. Let the water cool for 2 minutes then cover your head and shoulders with a towel, hold your face over the steam and breathe.
After you have steamed and opened your pores, beat 2 egg white and apply this liberally to your face and neck. Let the mask dry and rinse it way.

Full Body Soak-
Wet 2 cups of coarse salt in a bowl. Wet your skin with warm water then rub the salt all over your body, vigorously. Draw a bath and soak in warm water. Rinse again in the shower and imagine the salt has absobed all those little stressors and washed them down the drain. Dry completely and apply moisturizer.

Hands & Feet-
Soak your feet and hands in very warm (not hot) water mixed with a bath gel and 2 Tablespoons of Epsom Salt. Pat them dry and exfoliate with your pumice stone (feet, not hands). Apply olive oil (or all purpose moisturizer) to soften cuticles, then push them back. Rub your feet heavy with moisturizer, wrap them in plastic and cover with thick socks. The warmth helps the moisturizer to penetrate the skin. Remove the wraps and rub the moisturizer into the skin.

Most Important-
Promise to do this often!

All Purpose Moisturizer
14-20 oz pure coconut oil
2 Tbsp vitamin E

(any 100% natural essential oils can be added)