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Make Your Holidays Healthier: Part 2 Step Away from the Table

The first thing my family thinks about when the word Thanksgiving is mention is FOOD! I'm working to change that word to FAMILY or FUN or anything else, it's difficult. I can't just drop that kind of change on these people, we have to work up to it, BUT I know my family and I'm learning how to take their attention off the table. Let's go fishing, usually does the trick. For your family, it may be the mention of a family football game, you know what clicks.
Here's how to get those "gobblers" (couldn't resist) off the couch and involved in some old fashioned family fun.

Step 1) Plan a group walk after dinner. Chances are, you'll have others that will want to go with you and once others have committed, it's hard to bail on them. Walk briskly, exert a little energy and you'll be in a better position to resist that piece of pie.

Step 2) Plan a family football game. A game of touch football is a great way to get your energy moving and have some fun.

Step 3) Take a drive to check out the changing leaves. If you can, get out of the car and walk through them, even better. If you have little ones, send them on a scavenger hunt (pine cones, feather, stick with 3 branches, acorn, etc.).

Step4) Plan a shopping trip for the next day. This might be my personal favorite. There is a lot of walking that happens in the mall and the parking lot the day after Thanksgiving.

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